Forces Out Crossword Clue

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Forces Out Crossword Clue
Forces Out Crossword Clue from

Forces Out Crossword Clue

What Does Forces Out Mean?

In crossword puzzles, the clue "forces out" can have several different meanings, including: *


To drive out or force to leave.



To throw or cast out.



To expel legally from a property.



To remove from a position or office.

Examples of Forces Out

Here are some examples of how "forces out" can be used in a sentence: * The army was forced out of the city after a long siege. * The tenant was evicted after failing to pay rent. * The CEO was ousted after a scandal.

Synonyms for Forces Out

Some synonyms for "forces out" include: * Compels * Constrains * Drives out * Ejects * Expels

Antonyms for Forces Out

Some antonyms for "forces out" include: * Admits * Allows * Invites * Permits * Welcomes