Islamin Kelime Anlami

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Islamın Kelime Anlamı
Islamın Kelime Anlamı from

The Etymology of Islam

What Does Islam Mean?

The word "Islam" is derived from the Arabic root "SLM", which means "peace," "submission," or "safety." It is a verbal noun that refers to the act of surrendering to the will of God.

In the Islamic context, Islam is understood as the complete submission to the one true God, Allah. It is a religion that emphasizes peace, justice, compassion, and equality.

Historical Origins of the Word

The word "Islam" first appears in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. It is used in several verses to refer to the religion that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

The word "Islam" was also used by the early Muslims to refer to their community. They were known as the "umma al-Islam," or the "community of Islam."

The Meaning of Islam in the Quran

The Quran uses the word "Islam" in several different ways:

In one verse, the Quran says: "He has ordained for you the religion of Islam, just as He ordained it for those before you." (5:13)

This verse shows that Islam is not a new religion, but rather a continuation of the same religion that was revealed to the prophets before Muhammad.

The Meaning of Islam in the Hadith

The hadith, or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, also provide insight into the meaning of Islam.

In one hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said: "Islam is based on five pillars: the testimony of faith, the prayer, the giving of zakat, the fast of Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Mecca."

These five pillars are the core practices of Islam, and they are essential for Muslims to fulfill their religious obligations.


The word "Islam" has a rich and complex meaning. It refers to the religion of peace, submission, and safety. It is a religion that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, and it is based on the five pillars of faith, prayer, zakat, fasting, and pilgrimage.