Where Is Milton Right Now

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Where Is Milton Right Now
Where Is Milton Right Now from

Where Is Milton Right Now

Milton's Last Known Whereabouts

Milton's last known sighting was in his cell at the Santa Rita Jail in Dublin, California. He was being isolately held on the seventh floor, in a cell at the east end of the tier. At 8:05 p.m. on June 9, 1971, one of the two guards responsible for monitoring Milton left to conduct an hourly check of another part of the jail. The remaining guard noticed that Milton was still in his cell approximately 10 minutes later. At 8:23 p.m., both guards returned to Milton's cell and found it empty. There were no signs of a struggle or forced entry, and a subsequent search of the jail turned up no trace of him.

Milton's Escape and Subsequent Movements

Milton's escape from jail and subsequent movements remain a mystery. Some believe that he had help from inside the jail, while others believe that he escaped on his own. There have been several reported sightings of Milton over the years, but none have been confirmed. In 1975, a man claiming to be Milton was arrested in Mexico City, but he was later released after authorities determined that he was not the escaped prisoner.

In 1980, a man claiming to be Milton was arrested in San Francisco, but he was also released after authorities determined that he was not the escaped prisoner. In 1985, a man claiming to be Milton was arrested in Los Angeles, but he was also released after authorities determined that he was not the escaped prisoner.

In 1995, Milton's name was added to the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. He is still considered to be one of the most wanted criminals in the United States.

Theories About Milton's Whereabouts

There are many theories about where Milton might be right now. Some believe that he is still living in the United States, while others believe that he has fled to another country. Some people believe that he is dead. But no one knows for sure where he is.


Milton's escape from jail and subsequent movements remain a mystery. He is still considered to be one of the most wanted criminals in the United States. There are many theories about where he might be right now, but no one knows for sure.